1. Communicate with the IEP Team: If you notice that your Individualized Education Program (IEP) isn't being followed, start by communicating with your IEP team, which typically includes teachers, school administrators, and special education staff. Explain your concerns and request a meeting to discuss the issues and find solutions.
2. Document Everything: Keep a detailed record of any instances where the IEP isn't being implemented as agreed upon. Note dates, times, individuals involved, and specific details about what wasn't followed. This documentation can be essential when discussing your concerns with the IEP team or advocating for your child's rights.
3. Seek Support and Advocacy: If you're not getting satisfactory results from communication with the school, consider seeking support from a special education advocate or a parent advocacy group. They can provide guidance, resources, and assistance in navigating the special education system and ensuring your child's needs are met.
Remember that ensuring your child's IEP is followed is crucial for their educational success, and advocating for their rights is an important part of the process.